» Frequently Ask Question (FAQ):
Q = Question
A = Answer
Q: Where is DMMC located?
A: We are in Jalan Kempadang Makmur, Taman Kempadang Makmur, 26060 Kuantan. Kindly refer to our location map for further landmarks and guide.
Q: Who's who in DMMC Medical Team and what are the services provided?
A: Our Medical Teams are all professional consultants with Sub Speciality offering a wide range of specialists and service, for further information please procede to our Specialist Services page.
Q: What are the packages offered by DMMC?
A: DMMC offer various packages such as:
Health Screening Package from basic to comprehensive, please proceed to services for more information.

Please contact our Marketing Team for more inquiry.

Q: Do you have any Delivery Package?
A: The estimated cost for normal delivery is estimated from RM2,500 - RM4,000 and Caesarian Section is estimated from RM6,000 - RM8,000. This does not constitute a package and may vary with room type and other arising medical conditions.
Q: How do I make appointment?
A: Appointment can be made via online & phone.
For online booking please proceed to our appointment page.
For phone bookings, please contact 609 - 534 9988

We always encourage our patients to make an appointment at least 3 days before your visit to the Specialist Clinics.
Q: For Health Screening what should I prepare for my screening?
Fasting at least 8 to 10 hours before (except water) and allow yourself to spend one full day at DMMC. Please dress in comfortable clothing and bring along excercise shoes for treadmill. For detail please visit our page.  
Q: Is my information private and confidential?
A: Yes, all your results and medical history are strictly confidential.
Q: Do you accept credit cards and personal cheque?
A: We do accept credit cards, but it is the hospital's policy not accepts personal cheque.
Q: What kind of documents do I need to bring upon admission?
A: The following documents will be required for admission:
 1. Your admission letter from the consultant
 2. Your I/D Card
 3. Your guarantee letter from your company, insurance or MCO.
 4. If you are a cash payer patients, please bring along the deposit required as informed by the clinic nurse.
Q: How are room rates charged?
A: Our hospital check out time is 12 noon. After a one day stay, should you leave before 6pm, and additional 1/2 day will be charged. Full day will be levied for discharge after 6pm. Room Rated table proceed to page...
Q: What do I need to bring with me on admission day?
A: For your own comfort you may want to bring along the following:
 1. Personal toiletries, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel and comb/brush.
 2. Personal effects, comfortable cloothing to sleep in.
Q: How much does an operation cost?
A: The cost would also depend on a case to case basis.
Q: How long do I have to wait for my medicine and bill to be ready?
A: About an hour for cash payer and insurance holder it takes about 2 hours after the doctor has sign your discharge summary etc.